Jessica enjoys being an appraiser at Ark Appraisal because she enjoys seeing how creative people can be with their homes. Every day, and every home, is different and that keeps her energized.
When she’s not working, you can find Jessica reading, SXS riding and spending time with her family. She also devotes time and energy to supporting local schools and educators. Jessica believes education is vital to the well-being of the community. She’s a lover of history and genealogy research.
In keeping with her love of history, Jessica admires her grandmother and the values she instilled. Her grandmother taught her that hard work and dedication will lead you where you want to go. Jessica works hard – and her cheerful, happy-go-lucky personality brings a boost to the office!
Jessica can be summed up by her favorite quote: “Sing like no one’s listening, Love like you’ve never been hurt, Dance like nobody’s watching and Live like its heaven on earth.”
Best described as: Funny, Devoted & Caring
Pet Peeve: Textures that make her skin crawl!
Personal Motto: Dream big to Achieve big!
On Sunday mornings, she’s usually: watching TV with her family
What 10-year old Jessica wanted to be when he grew up: A teacher